Jenin Parish
Jenin is in northern Palestine, in the area where Jesus restored ten lepers, in the village of Burquin. Like the majority of Palestinian cities, Jenin faces three challenges: 1) Occupation, which makes the general movement of the people very difficult, with many checkpoints on the roads. 2) Dire economic conditions resulting in unemployment for most of the young generation. 3) Moving to other parts of the country or outside of Palestine for the same aforementioned reasons. Jenin, including Camp Jenin, has a population of 50,000, and the majority is Muslim. There are 300,000 residents in the 82 villages around Jenin. The Arab American University and Al-Quds Open University are located in Jenin, and the Haddad Tourist Village is the largest in the Middle East.
Infrastructures of the Latin Patriarchate
Jenin’s foundation was in the past century. The small Christian community is about 150 people, all Catholic. The Italian Congregation of the Daughters of St. Anne came to serve at the end of the 20th century during the time of Father Samama who served Jenin from Nazareth. The buildings of the Jenin mission were built between 1950 and 1963 during the time of Father Zakaria Shomali, and the kindergarten was built in the time of Father Alphonse Salah. Christian and Muslim (about 80-90) children attend the kindergarten, which is run by an administration team of a Christian lady, two Muslim, and two Christian teachers.