KORAZIN - On Friday, March 22nd, 2024, Mgr Rafiq Nahra, Patriarchal Vicar of Galilee, presided over the admission rite of Andrii Linytskyi, Daniel Grando Bortolon, Esteban Mantica Pellas, and Francisco Jimenez, to the Redemptoris Mater Galilee Seminary. Concelebrated by Fr. Juan Manuel Lopez, Rector of Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Domus Galilea.
“He said to them, “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature” – Mark 16:15. The students who are about to wear the clerical vestment chose this verse to begin their new journey of becoming faithful servants to the Lord, and his people.
In his homily, Mgr Nahra welcomed all the attendees who came from different parts of the diocese and addressed the new seminarists: “To be a successful leader and servant, it is important to have a strong affiliation with the Church, and to foster the synodal path that H.H. Pope Francis has called for. Because each one of you has an important role to play in the prosperity of the Church. Therefore, you must listen to your mentors so that you can confront all the difficulties facing our time and country.” And, commenting on the Gospel reading (John 10: 31-42), he said: “We saw that the Truth gets persecuted, but you must stand firm in it. Finally, I call on you to live a life of love according to the Word of God and to guard your hearts because from it life flows. Our prayers accompany you and your families in your new step so that God will protect you and bless you to be true witnesses to his Son, Jesus Christ”.