From January 25th to February 2nd, 2025, the week of Christian Unity will be held in Jerusalem. During this ecumenical week, local Christians from various churches will come together in prayer, embodying Jesus' prayer for his disciples “that they may all be one...that the world may believe...” (John 17:21). Kindly refer to the program of prayer services below.
This year’s chosen theme is “Do you believe this?” (John 11:26), taken from the words of Jesus to Martha upon the death of her brother Lazarus. In that moment of deep sorrow and desperation, Jesus led Martha to believe in the hope of the resurrection. Likewise, Christians worldwide are called to put their hope and joy in the Incarnation, Passion, Death, and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ despite the circumstances, sharing this news with others as they await His return.
What is of significance is that 2025 marks the 1,700th anniversary of the first Christian Ecumenical Council, held in Nicaea in 325 AD. It is an invitation to prayerfully re-read the creed formulated during this council, celebrating the common Christian faith.
These Ecumenical prayer services help us embrace our shared heritage while valuing the richness of each other's traditions in a spirit of prayer and unity.
Program of Ecumenical Prayer Services in Jerusalem
Saturday, 25 January | Anastasis (Holy Sepulcher), Calvary Greek Orthodox Office of "Apodeipnon" (Compline) |
17:30 |
Sunday, 26 January |
Anglican Cathedral of St. George |
17:00 |
Monday, 27 January |
Armenian Cathedral of St. James |
17:00 |
Tuesday, 28 January |
Lutheran Church of the Redeemer |
17:00 |
Wednesday, 29 January |
Latin Patriarchate Pro-Cathedral |
17:00 |
Thursday, 30 January |
Upper Room, Cenacle |
16:00 |
Friday, 31 January |
Syrian Orthodox Church of St. Mark |
17:00 |
Saturday, 1 February |
Ethiopian Orthodox Church |
17:00 |
Sunday, 2 February |
Greek Catholic Church of the Annunciation |
17:00 |