February 2, 2025
Feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
Lk 2:22-40
We dwell immediately on a first anomaly, a first peculiarity of the Gospel (Lk 2:22-40) that the liturgy has us read on this Sunday of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple.
We are in the holiest place in Jerusalem at that time, where Jesus is presented to fulfill the law.
The evangelist emphasizes Mary and Joseph’s obedience to the prescriptions concerning the birth of the first-born son, who was to be redeemed by the sacrifice of an animal.
So, we would expect a description of the offering, the sacrifice, we would expect the story of how it came about. But the strange thing is that the evangelist completely omits the description of the rite. No priests appear, no sacrifices are offered. There is not even a reading of the law texts, nothing that we would expect. Even the temple somehow disappears.
This event, which was quite normal and taken for granted by every family of the time, takes on greater significance through the presence of two people who meet Jesus and his parents.
We said that there are no priests in the passage. In their place, however, we find two prophets.
As for Anna, it is the evangelist himself who uses the term “prophetess” (“There was also a prophet, Anna the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher” - Luke 2,36). Luke does not use this term for Simeon, but his description leaves no doubt that “the Holy Spirit was upon him” (Lk 2:26) and had foretold that he would see the Messiah (Lk 2:26). Moved by the Spirit, he goes to the temple that day (Lk 2:28) and recognizes in the child the redemption he has been waiting for (Lk 2:29-32). Simeon not only recognizes the Messiah in this child, but also describes his mission by using a series of images that refer to the mission of the Servant of God.
This child is indeed a light that is to reveal God to the nations and He is the glory of His people. The mission for which this child is destined will begin with the revelation to the people of the covenant and then extend to all nations.
Simeon goes on to say a little more about how this will happen, this time using more dramatic images and terms: Fall and resurrection, sign of contradiction (Lk 2:34), leading finally to the sword that will pierce Mary’s soul (“Behold, this child is destined for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be contradicted (and you yourself a sword will pierce) so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed” - Luke 2,34-35)
The reason why the evangelist does not describe the temple ritual, the sacrifices and the various rituals lies here: It is the light of the Easter that illuminates this encounter that takes place in the Jerusalem temple. The task of this child will be to be himself the sacrifice that Luke does not describe. He himself will be the priest who offers his own life to the Father as a gift of love and perfect obedience.
This gift of redemption will be for all. But it will not be painless for anyone. Jesus’ mission will be a sign of contradiction, that is, a time of great purification. His entry into history will “unveil” the thoughts of many hearts (Lk 2:35).
The accounts in the Gospels make it clear that you cannot meet Jesus and remain the same: The encounter with him triggers a profound change, a new birth. Now, the way in which each person welcomes or rejects this new beginning will reveal the thoughts of their heart, will reveal what kind of person they are, who they want to become, what is important to them.
Rejection will lead to death and mark a life without hope and expectation.
Acceptance will lead to the redemption of a resurrected life, just like the lives of Simeon and Anna, who inhabited the time of life by not stopping at their own thoughts, but allowing their minds and hearts to be molded by the thoughts of faith, feeding on the Scriptures, being led by the Spirit, and thus becoming humble and persistent prophets of the Lord.
+ Pierbattista