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Overview of the Pro-Cathedral

Pro Cathedral Overview


A church is a symbol of faith that speaks out not only to the faithful, but also to the entire community, to the world and to any visitor that sets foot inside. The Pro-Cathedral of the Latin Patriarchate is the principal or "mother" church of the Diocese of Jerusalem, the church in which the Latin Patriarch has his official chair (cathedra) as the teacher and overseer (episcopus) of all those who, by God's grace, have been entrusted to his care.

Description of the Pro-Cathedral

The Pro-Cathedral, which can accommodate five hundred believers, was built under Patriarch Valerga. As an eminent believer, Mgr Valerga understood the importance of providing a splendid and inspiring church to celebrate the Eucharistic Mass and other Liturgical rites. The Pro-Cathedral was constructed and consecrated on the 25th anniversary of his Patriarchal consecration, on February 11th, 1872.



  1. Memorial plaques
  2. Confessionals
  3. Memorial plaques
  4. Memorial plaques
  5. Immaculate Heart of Mary Altar
  6. Statue of St. Peter
  7. Memorials, Patriarchs
  8. St. Joseph's Altar
  9. Main Altar
  10. Blessed Sacrament Altar
  11. Statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  12. The Holy Spirit Altar
  13. Our Lady of Sorrows Altar
  14. Memorial Plaque
  15. Chandeliers
  16. Pulpit
  17. Stained-Glass Window-North
  18. Stained-Glass Window-East
  19. Stained-Glass Window-South
  20. Stained-Glass Window-West
  21. Ceiling Paintings
  22. Wall Paintings
  23. Organ
  24. Burial Chambers (lower level)
  25. Memorial Plaque (exterior)
  26. Memorial Plaque (exterior)
  27. Bell Tower (exterior)

Lower level

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