Mobile: 050 539 23 71
Email: [email protected]
- 14/03/1949: Born in Bethlehem
- 02/09/1964: Joined the Franciscan Minor Seminary at Emmaus, Qubeibeh
- 02/09/1967: Joined the Latin Patriarchate Minor Seminary on the recommendation of Mgr. George Bateh
- 06/06/1975: Ordained Priest by Patriarch Yaacoub Beltritti at the Latin Patriarchate Co-Cathedral in Jerusalem.
- 08/06/75: Vicar to Fr. Michel Sabbah, Christ the King Parish in Misdar, Amman
- 01/09/1976: Vicar to Msgr. Yaacoub Kabra, Our Lady of Palestine in Deir Rafat; Catechism Teacher at Lod-Ramleh Government School
- 08.06.1977: Vicar to Fr. Naoum Karadsheh, Our Lady of Carmel Parish, Jabal Hashimi, Amman
- 08/1977: Vicar to Fr. Yaacoub Abel Nour, Our Lady of the Annunciation Parish in Beit Jala; Professor at the Seminary; Initiated spiritual service at Caritas Baby Hospital in Bethlehem
- 27/06/1981: Degree in Sociology, Psychology, and Education from Bethlehem University
- 1982-1988: Studies in Biblical Theology and Antiquities, Studium Biblicum Franciscanum in Jerusalem
- 1988-1989: Studies in Biblical Theology and Antiquities at Ecole Biblique Archeologique Francaise, Dominican Fathers in Jerusalem
- 27/06/1993: Doctorate in Biblical Theology in Rome (Character of Jeremiah in his Second Confessions, Jeremiah 15:10-21); Historical Approach: critical and psychological); Teacher of Palestinian Tour Guides at Bethlehem University
- 1994: Parish Priest, Our Lady of the Annunciation in Beit Jala; Professor at the Seminary
- 18/08/1995: Parish Priest, Visitation in Zababdeh; Teacher of Tour Guides at Bethlehem University
- 18/08/2001: Parish Priest, St. John the Apostle in Jaffa-Nazareth; Professor, College of Theology, affiliated to Mar Elias University in Ibillin
- 07/04/2009: Canon of the Holy Sepulchre
- 15/08/2010: Responsible for the spiritual life at the Latin Patriarchate Seminary
- 15/08/2011: Parish Priest, Immaculate Conception in Bir Zeit