Mobile: +972 054 810 4176
Email: [email protected]
- 14/09/1984: Born in Jerusalem, Palestine
- 08/2002: Joined the Major Seminary in Beit Jala
- 10/2005: Investiture of the clerical Cassock
- 06/2006: Joined the Dormition Benedictine Abbey in Jerusalem
- 12/2006 – 07/2007: Administrator of the Alliance Française office in Bethlehem
- 08/2007 – 07/2011: Joined the Faculty of Law at Birzeit University
- 09/2011 – 08/2013: Scholarship from the French Government to do Master’s Degree in Public Law at the Université Toulouse 1 Capitol (France)
- 12/2013 – 08/2015: Employed at the Media Office of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem for the Arabic section.
- 01/09/2015: Joined back the Major Seminary in Beit Jala
- 19/03/2016: Instituted as Lector
- 26/03/2017: Instituted as Acolyte
- 15/06/2018: Ordained Deacon in Beit Jala
- 27/06/2020: Ordained Priest in Beit Jala
- 08/2019- 24/10/2020: Personal Secretary to Mgr Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Apostolic Administrator of the Latin Patriarchate
- 24/10/2020 – present: Personal Secretary to H.B. Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Patriarch of Jerusalem
- 15/08/2021: Vicar, Parish of Ain Arik
- 12/02/2024: Parish priest of Ain Arik