- 01/06/1964: Born in Madaba, Jordan
- 1976: Joined the Latin Patriarchate Minor Seminary on the recommendation of Fr. Fuad Hijazin
- 29/06/1989: Ordained Priest in Madaba (Jordan) by Bishop Selim Sayegh
- 07/1989: Vicar, Christ the King Parish, Misdar, Amman; military service
- 09/1991: Professor Latin Patriarchate Seminary
- 10/04/1992: Parish Priest, St. Joseph in Jifna, Palestine; Director, Al Ahliyah School in Ramallah
- 08/1994: Parish Priest, Immaculate Conception in Bir Zeit; General Director of the Latin Patriarchate Schools in Palestine and Israel
- 1998: General Director of the Latin Patriarchate Schools in Jordan concurrent with Bir Zeit Parish and Schools in Palestine
- 07/2000: In charge of Al Wasiyah School, Wassieh in Kerak, Jordan.
- 09/2001: Studies in Canon Law at the Lateran University, Rome
- 05/2005: Obtained Masters in Canon Law and International Law. Returned to assist in the Ecclesiastic Court in Jerusalem.
- 08/2006: Parish Priest, St. Joseph in Jifna; Assistant Judge, Latin Patriarchate Ecclesiastical Court.
- 08/2009: Latin Patriarchate Judicial Vicar in Jerusalem and Nazareth
- 15/08/2009: President, Diocesan Tribunal