SATURDAY, 2 February 2013 –
Feast of the Presentation of Jesus and Day of Consecrated Life
Inter-rite gathering to celebrate the year of the Faith
at Ibillin in Galilee, the native village of Blessed Maryam of Jesus Crucified o.c.d.
Blessed Maryam of Jesus Crucified (Mariam Baouardy) reflects various faces of the Church: Born, baptized and educated in a Greek-Melkite parish; Entered the Congregation of St Joseph then the Carmel of Latin rite. Integrated in Christian Communities of Lebanon, Egypt, France, India. Died while building and founding the Carmel of Bethlehem.
In this Year of the Faith, under her patronage, with the intention to highlight the Prayer in the life of the Church and of the Christian Communities, particularly in relation with consecrated life, we would like to invite you to take part in an inter-rite gathering among lay and priests, animators, catechists, families and youths, religious and all persons of consecrated life on the 2nd of February at Ibillin in Galilee, in the church of the Sermon on the Mountain, inside the school compound.
Blessed Maryam of Jesus Crucified, close to Jesus in space: Ibillin and Nazareth, and all the more so in her contemplative life and her practice of the prayer as Jesus taught us in this same land. She illustrates how prayer is a pillar of the life of the Church as well as of the life of each believes:
Faith and prayer are inseparable. Let’s come to her native village to learn with her this truth.
Saturday 2 February 2013 at Ibillin
07.45 am Gathering at the Notre Dame Center for those who use common transport 08.00 am Departure by bus for those who booked a seat 10:30 am Welcome meeting with all the participants 11:00 am Liturgy of the feast of the Presentation of Jesus to the Temple – procession of light, presided by Most Rev. Giacinto-Boulos Marcuzzo – Byzantine Divine Liturgy, presided by Most Rev. Elias Chacour, and concelebrated by the priests (please, don’t forget your liturgical vestment) – Most Rev. Moussa El-Hage, the Maronite Archbishop, will be with us. 01.00 pm Picnic lunch together (sharing what everybody has brought) followed with musical and scenic animation by Shalom Community. 03.00 pm Departure for Nazareth and visit of the Basilica of Annunciation, as it is recommended to do during the Year of Faith 04.00 pm Evening prayers in the Chapel of the Mary of Nazareth Center, with the possibility to show the audio-visual spectacle.
To confirm your presence in Ibillin and Nazareth – until Thursday 31 January 2013 To reserve your seat in the bus leaving from Jerusalem (=NIS 70) – until Friday 25/1/2013 Please, contact: EPISCOPAL COMMITTEE for RELIGIOUS INSTITUTES of MEN, A.O.C.T.S. – P.O.B. 20531 – 91204 Jerusalem (Israel) – Tel.972 2 6288554 – Fax 972 2 6288555 E-mail: [email protected]).