On Wednesday, January 31st, 2024, on the feast of St. John Bosco, Mgr William Shomali, General Vicar, presided over a Mass at the Church of St. Joseph the Worker, in Reneh's parish, at the invitation of the parish priest Fr. Ibrahim Shomali.
After Mass, Mgr Shomali gave a lecture to the parishioners, during which he highlighted the importance of the Word of God, and explained how to read and meditate on it (Lectio Divina). This meeting comes within the pastoral plan of Reneh's parish, in establishing a prayer group to meditate on the Word of God and find practical ways to live and understand the Word in our daily lives. In addition, the parish has also been establishing a liturgical Committee, to take care of special liturgical matters in the parish to involve the laity more in the life of the church and its sacred work.