In celebration of the Sunday of the Word of God on January 26, 2025, we share with you testimonies from the faithful of the Diocese of Jerusalem, highlighting how the Word of God serves as a guiding light and a source of strength, particularly in the face of the challenges currently experienced in the Holy Land.
On January 14, 2025, His Beatitude Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, addressed a pastoral letter to the Diocese, advising the faithful to immerse themselves in reading, meditating on, and praying the First Letter of Peter in groups or individually. He wrote, “If we all do this together, with faith and trust, we will find new joy and new strength for our consciences to live as true Christians in this time.” He emphasized that the Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, not only deepens our understanding of Christian hope but also revives our hearts, especially in these trying times marked by injustices. The letter also provided practical guidelines to help the faithful structure their reading time, along with examples of responsories and invocations to the Holy Spirit.
Sally Maneh, 23-year-old, from Bethlehem, spoke of her Journey with the Word of God, saying: “I made it a habit to memorize a verse from each of the two chapters I read daily from the New Testament. These verses felt as a personal word from God to me for the day. After finishing the New Testament i turned to the Old Testament, which I continue to read to this day”. She noted that it was more challenging to choose specific verses from the Old Testament, hence online commentaries became a good resource for her to dive deeper into the Word. “Occasionally, God inspires me to read a particular book”, she said, “But it was not easy to hear his invitation at first. As humans, we’re naturally inclined to talk rather than listen, making it difficult to step outside our comfort zones and be still. Yet, as we often pray, “Thy will be done,” we must strive to align our life with God’s will”.
She explained how the stories of biblical figures imparted meaningful lessons to her: “Through meditating on the stories of Joseph, Moses, Job, and Abraham, I’ve discovered profound lessons. Their lives remind us that we are not alone in our struggles. Just as they endured their trials and overcame them, we too can persevere through our challenging days, knowing we are not abandoned”. She shared that despite her imperfections in reading the Bible, she learned that God only asks for our surrender and trust.
Natalie Mattar, 24-year-old, from Shafa’mr, spoke of the importance of the Word of God as a believer from the Holy Land: “I deeply feel the immense responsibility we carry as believers living in this land. Jesus himself endured many challenges here, yet he never lost hope. Reading about his life inspires me to be a peacemaker, to love even those who do not love us, and to live the true faith, even in times of conflict”.
As believers, our mission is to be a light in the world, embodying the Gospel in our everyday lives. When faced with difficulties, the Gospel reminds us of Jesus’ reassuring promise:
“I have told you this so that you might have peace in me. In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world” (John 16:33).
This assures us that the Gospel is not mere words—it is life itself! When we read and reflect on the Scriptures, we hear God speaking to us personally, offering comfort and renewing our hope. As the Apostle Paul wrote: “For whatever was written previously was written for our instruction, that by endurance and by the encouragement of the scriptures we might have hope”. (Romans 15:4). In this way, the Gospel becomes our source of hope, even in challenging times.
The Bible reminds us repeatedly, “Do not be afraid,” and these words empower us to stand firm, living with faith and joy no matter what comes our way”.
Wajdi Haddad, 35-year-old, from Amman, said: “The Bible serves as a timeless guide for all people and places. Through it, God reveals His plan of salvation, guiding us toward holiness. It contains the good news, the promise of salvation, and the unwavering commitment of a faithful God. From it, we draw the living water that nourishes our faith, strengthens our hope, and offers comfort in times of trouble”.