On Sunday, April 7th, 2024, on the Vigil of the Feast of the Annunciation, the celebrations began with the official welcoming of His Beatitude Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, and his accompanying delegation at St. Anton Center. Then, the traditional procession to the Basilica of the Annunciation took place with the participation of many Bishops, Priests, Seminarists, Scouts, and faithful. Before heading to the Grotto, where Angel Gabriel announced to the Virgin the birth of a Savior… Fr. Ibrahim Sabbagh, the parish priest of Nazareth, gave a welcoming speech. It was followed by a speech from Mgr Rafiq Nahra, Patriarchal Vicar of Israel, and Mgr Youssef Matta, Greek Catholic Bishop, who offered their Easter greetings to all the participants.
Upon arriving, they were received by Fr. Wojciech Bołoz, OFM, Guardian and Rector of the Basilica of the Annunciation and Shrine of the Holy Family in Nazareth, and the Franciscan Friars. Prayers dedicated to this feast were recited in front of the Grotto. Afterward, Card. Pizzaballa presided over the celebration of a Mass in the Basilica. Concelebrating was Mgr. Adolfo Tito Yllana, apostolic nuncio to Israel and Cyprus and apostolic delegate to Jerusalem and Palestine, Mgr Nahra, and Mgr Bolous Marcuzzo, as well as several Bishops and priests; in the presence of many faithful.
The next morning, on the Feast Day of the Annunciation, on Monday, April 8th, 2024, the Pontifical Mass was celebrated in the Basilica of the Annunciation, presided over by His Beatitude the Cardinal, with a wide participation of the faithful from Nazareth and neighboring villages and cities. Noteworthy, this year’s feast coincided with the Orthodox Church celebration of the Annunciation feast too. This is due to the original feast day, March 25, falling on Holy Week, hence, the date was moved to the first Monday after the Second Sunday of Easter, according to the Gregorian Liturgy Calendar.
The Cardinal’s homily carried many spiritual meanings and values, which he encouraged everyone to live by: “Dear Brothers and sisters, let us also fight with Christ the good fight of faith. The Holy Virgin today invites all of us to oppose the powers of death with our humble but firm witness of love, donating, forgiveness, and reconciliation, saying “yes” to the will of God. Baptism has made us citizens of heaven no less than our birth has made us citizens of this beloved and difficult Holy Land. Let us illuminate the darkness of the world with the light of Easter, keeping our lamp lit as we all wait to participate in Christ's Easter victory over evil and death”.
The Blessing of Radio Mariam’s building in Nazareth
After concluding the celebrations of the Annunciation feast, H.B. Card. Pizzaballa, accompanied by the Bishops, Priests, and Seminarists, visited the new Radio Mariam building located in Nazareth, to bless it.
The demo broadcast by Radio Mariam in Nazareth, from the Holy Land “The Voice of the Annunciation from the place of the Annunciation”, began on 12/1/2019. The official launch date for Radio Mariam - Nazareth was set on the Feast of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary on Mach 25th, 2020. However, the providence of God willed otherwise. Therefore, the inauguration celebrations did not take place in public, due to the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. The situation was difficult, so the launching of the Radio in Nazareth was likened to the silence, humility, and contemplation of the Virgin Mary’s heart of the Mystery of the Annunciation and Incarnation, which took place in the city of Nazareth. Hidden, in silence, consumed by prayers, and contemplation of this Divine plan of Salvation. The launching of Radio Maria’s broadcast in Nazareth experienced this kind of contemplative hiddenness to convey truly the humility of the Virgin, and the resounding voice of God’s message of salvation from this Holy City to the whole world.
An overview of the formation of Radio Maria
- On January 12th, 1987, the Radio Maria Association was established as a pastoral radio station in the city of Erba, in the Italian region of Como; to broadcast prayers, the Gospel message, as well as a program of human formation. Supported by volunteers without any kind of marketing or advertisements.
- In 1992, it began broadcasting programs to Italians living abroad, starting in New York via satellite, and then in Canada. And later covering the entire European continent, leading to the establishment of two branches in Burkina Faso and Peru.
- On June 3rd, 1998, the “World Family of Radio Maria” (an international association that helps to spread Radio Maria in the world) was legally established as a non-profit association, then also recognized by the United Nations.
- Radio Maria is supported by the prayers, sacrifices, and contributions of its listeners, and does not receive any financial support from private companies that might affect its freedom of expression.
- Radio Maria is currently present on five continents. It has 32 radio stations in Europe, 25 in the Americas, 27 in Africa, 11 in Asia and Oceania, with 30.000 volunteers all over the world.
- The apostolate of Radio is based on cooperation between the priesthood and laity. The President of the association and the Priest Director of programing (who promotes its spiritual life and guarantees communion with the Catholic Church) are the two driving elements of each Radio Maria’s operations.